Objectives and
main features
The Navodaya Vidyalaya system is a unique experiment in the
history of school education in India and elsewhere. Its importance lies in
the effort to select talented rural children as the target group and provide
them with quality education as compared to the best in the residential school
system. Such children are found in all sections of the society and in all
areas including the most backward. But, till now good quality education
has been available only to the affluent sections of the society and the poor
have been left out. It was felt that by providing good quality education
to children with special talent or ability, irrespective of their ability to
pay for it, Opportunities to move forward should be provided at a faster
pace. These gifted children would otherwise have been deprived of quality
modern education traditionally available only in urban areas. Such
education would enable students from rural areas to compete on an equal footing
with their urban counterparts. The National Policy on Education - 1986
envisaged setting up of residential schools, to be called Jawahar Navodaya
Vidyalayas, which would bring out the best of rural talent.Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Objectives and Salient Features
To fulfill the objectives of excellence with equity and social
To promote national integration by providing opportunities to talented
children, largely rural, from different parts of the country to live and learn
together and develop their full potential.
To provide good quality modern education including a strong component of
culture, inculcation of values, environmental awareness, adventure activities
and physical education.
To ensure that all the students of Navodaya Vidyalaya attain the appropriate
level of competency in the three languages envisaged in the Three Language
To serve as a focal point for improving the quality of school education through
exchange of experiences and facilities in each district.
salient feature
JNVST: Admission on the basis of merit.
Navodaya Vidyalayas draw their student strength from talented children selected
on the basis of the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test, initially
designed, developed and conducted by NCERT and now by CBSE. The exam is
conducted annually on an all India basis and at the block and district level. It
is objective, classroom neutral and has been designed to ensure that rural
children are not harmed.
Reservation for rural, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and girl students
Admission to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas is primarily for children from rural
areas, with a provision of 75% of seats for rural children. Seats are
reserved for children belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
communities in the district in proportion to their population but not less than
the national average. 1/3 seats are for girl students. 3% seats are
for disabled children.
Co-educational residential school with free education
Navodaya Vidyalayas provide free education to the gifted children of classes VI
to XII. Navodaya Vidyalayas are affiliated to CBSE. Navodaya
Vidyalaya admission is only in class VI as well as lateral admission in class
IX and XI. Each Navodaya Vidyalaya is a co-educational residential
institution which provides free boarding and accommodation, uniform, text
books, stationery to and fro by rail and bus fare. However, nominal
charges @ Rs. 200/- per month is charged from the students of class IX to
XII for Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi. Students belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, categories, girls with disabilities and children from below
poverty line families are exempted from this fee.
the three language formula
The regional language is usually the medium of instruction from Class-VI to
VIII and from Class-IX, it is English for Science and Mathematics and Hindi for
Humanities subjects.
Promoting National Integration
Navodaya Vidyalayas aim to inculcate the values of national integration
through the migration scheme, although inter-regional exchange of students from
Hindi and non-Hindi speaking states and vice versa takes place for one academic
year. Efforts are made to promote a better understanding of unity in
diversity and cultural heritage through various activities.
Location of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Navodaya Vidyalayas are
located in rural areas across the country. State government. The
objective is to offer cost free land and rent free temporary buildings for
setting up Navodaya Vidyalayas.
Organizational Structure
Navodaya Vidyalayas are run by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti which
is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Government of India. of
India. The Chairman of the committee is Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource
Development. Hon'ble Minister of State for Education in the Ministry of Human
Resource Development. is the Vice-Chairman of the Committee.
The committee functions through an executive committee headed by
the Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource Development. It is responsible for
the management of all matters including allocation of funds to the committee
and reserves the right to exercise all the powers of the committee. The
Executive Committee is assisted in its functions by two sub-committees, namely
the Finance Committee and the Academic Advisory Committee.
The executive head of the administrative pyramid is the
commissioner who executes the policies laid down by the executive committee of
the committee. He is assisted by Joint Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner
and Assistant at Headquarter level. Commissioner. At the regional level,
he is assisted by the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya:
Admission, Eligibility, Admit Card
The committee has established 8 regional offices for
administration and monitoring of Navodaya Vidyalayas under its jurisdiction. For
each school, there is a School Advisory Committee and a School Management Committee
for general supervision of the school. The district magistrate of the
district concerned is the chairman of the school level committee, consisting of
local educationists, public representatives and district officials as members. The
School Management Committee has two sub-committees i.e. School Purchase
Advisory Sub-Committee and School Appointment Sub-Committee.